[Miracle Nikki] Banquet of the Fairies notes

Yeah I’m still alive. Horrible translation incoming

Event: Banquet of the Fairies (精霊たちの夜会)

Duration: February 2, 2017 @ 05:00 JST ~ February 8 @ 23:59 JST

Do fashion battle in the 5 stages in event map, collect Moon Flowers. Moon Flowers are used to exchange for the forest girl style set, and your total Moon Flower collection count goes toward you gaining patterns for the dark queen style set. You can do 5 battles per stage every day, for a total of 25 battles. Each battle costs 4 stamina and each stage let you reset for 30 gems. Rank A gets you about 6 flowers each. Don’t know how to pull S. Details behind the cut.

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Alpacaa(ry (+ rant)

Life has been alpaca so far.

Eden Eternal: Alpaca for ride!
Ragnarok Online: Alpaca for ride for acolyte class!
TinierMe: Event involving alpaca!
Harvest Moon: Alpaca plushie! And Alpaca as farm animal! Even though I started in Konohana! :v

Alpaca plushie so soft to touuuuch. *w*

Heard alpaca takes 18000 gold to get in Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns… It’ll… definitely take a while to get that much money but I don’t really plan to move to Bluebell anytime within the first year so it should be OK? .-.;

But yesh, finally gets to play an HM! Been carving for one and didn’t really wanted to play the previous titles, or RF. Have the first one in the series and it tried to stuff too many things into one game. =\ You ended up with a huge long task list that you may or may not be able to finish within a day. In fact I think it took me like half a year before I really begin exploring the dungeons, and that’s a really slow pace. orz

Let’s hope it goes better for this HM. Crossing the mountain everyday is a bit annoying though. :v